How Retailers Can Control These Variables To Beat Inflation

2 min readJul 7, 2022

Inflation rates are changing consumer habits. Find out why now, more than ever, it’s essential for retailers to ensure a seamless customer experience.

With high inflation rates and changing consumer habits, it’s more important than ever for retailers to invest in a robust grocery e-commerce platform to leverage a seamless customer experience.

Inflation is upon us, and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. With supply chain delays and ongoing pandemic disruptions, the economy continues to fluctuate. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the consumer price index increased by a whopping 8.5% toward the end of March 2022 — which is the highest 12-month growth since 1981.

As consumers cut down on their purchases and seek new ways to save, their shopping habits will inevitably shift. Retailers will need to stay one step ahead of evolving consumer preferences in order to grow in this already-competitive market. The good news: Retailers can maintain control over the current economic climate if they manage a few key variables. Here’s how implementing a retail media network can help them beat inflation.

Beat Inflation by Controlling These Variables

Personalize the Digital Customer Relationship

It takes more than a single touchpoint to keep consumers happy — and providing a seamless omnichannel experience is the solution. Omnichannel shopping allows retailers to connect with a buyer across multiple touchpoints throughout the entire purchase journey. By providing a consistent experience, both digitally and physically, retailers ensure that customer needs are constantly met, regardless of the channel.

Executing this type of strategy can require the budget and infrastructure. That’s why partnering with a reliable retail media network is essential. Retailers can foster personalized customer relationships by tapping into real-time, first-party data, and serve up accurate advertisements, relevant push notifications, and more…


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